Update: The Draft Budget and Annual Business Plan, along with feedback from the public, were tabled at the Council meeting on Tuesday 15 June 2021. The Draft budget was then adopted by Council without any changes at the Council meeting on Tuesday 6 July 2021. 

Click to enlarge.

Each year the City of West Torrens adopts a business plan that details intended programs, services and outcomes for the coming year. 

The City of West Torrens is keen to receive the views and comments of ratepayers and interested parties before making final decisions on budget and rating arrangements for 2021/22.

An analysis will be undertaken of the results of this consultation process and amendments to budget and rating arrangements may be proposed to Council for consideration.

Council’s consultation program incorporates:

  • the preparation of a comprehensive Budget and Annual Business Plan, incorporating budget and rating proposals for 2021/22
  • the preparation of a summary of the budget and annual business plan for 2021/22
  • the release of information online and in hard copy, available for viewing at the Civic Centre, Thebarton Community Centre and Hamra Centre Library
  • the opportunity for people to attend a Council meeting to ask questions and be heard on their submissions
  • the receipt of written submissions
  • the consideration of received submissions in Council's decision-making.

View documents 

If you would like a copy of the Summary Annual Business Plan provided to you, please phone 8416 6333 during office hours. 

How to have your say

Provide your feedback using any of the following:

  • Online
    Use the online submission form at the bottom of this page. You will need to 
    register for a Your Say West Torrens account to complete this form.

  • Public meeting
    Make a verbal submission or ask questions at the Council meeting.

    When: 7pm, Tuesday 1 June 2021
    Where: Civic Centre, 165 Sir Donald Bradman Drive, Hilton.
    Register your interest to speak at this meeting by 
    emailing Council with the subject 'Att: OMC - Budget meeting verbal submission 1 June'.

  • Post
    Complete the 
    hard copy submission form or prepare a written submission (including your name and residential address) and mail to:
    '2021/22 Draft Budget submission'
    City of West Torrens
    165 Sir Donald Bradman Drive
    Hilton 5033

  • Email
    Complete the 
    hard copy submission form or prepare a written submission (including your name and residential address) and email csu@wtcc.sa.gov.au with the subject heading '2021-22 Draft Budget submission'.

All responses must be received by 5pm Wednesday 2 June 2021. It is Council’s policy that for a formal submission to be received, it must include your name and residential address. To ensure your submission is valid, please include these details.

Feedback will be recorded and analysed as part of the consultation process, with a summary report presented to Council on 15 June 2021.

Note: written submissions will become public record, including forming part of a report to Council, and as such personal information, such as names and addresses, may become part of that publicly available information. If you have any questions about this, please contact our Manager Financial Services on the number listed. 

Additional information

Manager Financial Services on 8416 6317 / email lgilmartin@wtcc.sa.gov.auExternal link).

Join the conversation today
Create an account or login to share your thoughts, feedback and ideas.

If you need some help with the registration process please read this handy guide. 
If you'd rather not create an account, you can still provide feedback using the hard copy submission form.

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