Your Say West Torrens is moderated by the City of West Torrens and Social Pinpoint and it's agents. We moderate the site in order to create a productive and safe environment where people can engage with projects or each other without prejudice or intimidation.

As described in the following table, the site uses both pre and post moderation tools at the discretion of the City of West Torrens:

  • Content submitted by site users on our site is immediately published and then reviewed by our moderators to ensure it complies with Social Pinpoint’s Moderation Policy.
  • Users may notice that posted content no longer appears on the site. The content is only temporarily removed until the City of West Torrens or Social Pinpoint has reviewed it to ensure it complies with the Moderation Policy.
  • If the moderator finds that the content violates Moderation Policies, the content will be rejected and the user may be notified via email from the City of West Torrens or Social Pinpoint.
  • Moderators review and approve the user’s content before it is posted onto the site.
  • A user’s content does not immediately appear on the site, but will appear once moderators have confirmed the content complies with the Moderation Policy.

The City of West Torrens and Social Pinpoint reserve the right to edit or remove any content that has been posted on Your Say West Torrens. Failure to adhere to the participation rules and guidelines below may see your account terminated by the City of West Torrens.

Users must also agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy before using the site.

Participation rules

The City of West Torrens and Social Pinpoint have the right to edit or remove any content submitted by a user. This can include, but not be limited to:

  1. Personal attacks on or defamation of the City of West Torrens, other site users, or City of West Torrens staff.
  2. Disclosure of personal information about other site users or City of West Torrens staff.
  3. Offensive language including profanity.
  4. Comments that are discriminatory of people’s gender, race, religion, culture, sexual preference, appearance or background.
  5. Links to any advertising or illegal material.
  6. Spamming of comments.

Participation guidelines

  1. Contribute constructively discussions and comments while respecting the views of others.
  2. Only post content that suitable for anyone (including young children) to view.
  3. Ensure you have received permission to post any images or intellectual property of third parties.
  4. Do not spam either by posting irrelevant websites or by re-posting your comment.
  5. Do not contribute rude or dismissive comments.