Update February 2025

In July/August 2024 we invited participation in a community asset survey to help shape Council's Asset Management Plans.

There were 36 contributions received, and these showed general satisfaction with overall asset service levels, while also highlighting areas for improvement.

Feedback received was incorporated as relevant into revision of the Draft Asset Management Plans for Stormwater, Transport, Open Space, Plant and Fleet, and Buildings.

The updated and final Asset Management Plans were adopted by Council at its meeting of 15 October 2024, and are available in full below and on Council's main website.

What we heard

View the Asset Management Plans

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City Assets Team

City of West Torrens

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Community engagement information August 2024

Council is responsible for the management of nearly $1 billion worth of assets that support the wellbeing, sustainable growth, and prosperity of our community.

Asset Management Plans help Council maintain and manage our assets responsibly.

Asset Management Plans describe how Council will improve the services our assets provide, extend the lifespan of our assets, reduce costs to develop, maintain, and upgrade our assets, and minimise risks of assets failing to perform as they should.

Sharing your experiences will help ensure Council's asset management meets community needs.

Be sure to have your say between 22 July and 30 August 2024.

How to be involved

  • Scroll down to complete the community asset survey, or phone 8416 6333 to request a paper copy.
  • Want to tell us about a specific asset in West Torrens? Scroll down to leave your comment on the asset feedback map.
  • View the Draft Asset Management Plans online on this page.
  • View the printed Draft Asset Management Plans during opening hours at City of West Torrens Civic Centre, 165 Sir Donald Bradman Drive, Hilton and the Hamra Centre Library, 1 Brooker Terrace, Hilton.