Consultation has concluded.

Between 30 August and 27 September 2023 Council is seeking community feedback on the 'Code of Practice - Access to Meetings and Documents' (the Code). The Code is currently being reviewed as part of our commitment to continuous improvement.

The Code guides how we provide members of the public and Elected Members with access to City of West Torrens meetings and documents, including when it is appropriate to restrict public access to meetings and documents under the Local Government Act 1999.


The Code can be viewed online, or in person during office hours until Wednesday 27 September 2023 at the City of West Torrens Civic Centre, 165 Sir Donald Bradman Drive, Hilton.

How to have your say

Please provide your feedback and comments on the Code in a written submission either: 

By email: to with the subject 'Code of Practice: Access to Meetings and Documents Review'


By post to:
Jade Ruzic
Team Leader Governance
City of West Torrens
165 Sir Donald Bradman Drive

All responses must be received by 5pm Wednesday 27 September 2023.

Additional information

Jade Ruzic, Team Leader Governance on (08) 8416 6333 or email 

Council’s use of personal information 

Please note that the City of West Torrens is a public authority which is bound by the Local Government Act 1999, and other relevant legislation, to retain information and to make certain information publicly available. In some instances, this will require Council to publish personal information such as names and addresses of those whose information it holds. If you have any questions regarding the use of your personal information please contact Council on (08) 8416 6333. 

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