Share your thoughts on Council's concept plan for improvement of open space alongside Keswick Creek between Brooker Terrace and Marion Road in Richmond. Consultation closes 5pm Friday 21 June 2024 (extended from previous close date of 31 May).

Open space improvement

Council has identified an exciting opportunity to transform an 800 metre length of underused Council land adjacent Keswick Creek into usable, landscaped open space for the community to enjoy.

A concept plan has been developed including land adjacent the Keswick Creek drainage channel between Brooker Terrace and Marion Road, Richmond, as well as the intersecting cul-de-sacs at Chambers Avenue and Weaver Avenue, Richmond (outlined in red below).

Project area:

The concept includes:

  • Improved local amenity.
  • Development of quality open space for relaxation and passive recreation.
  • Landscaping.
  • More shade and cooling through increased tree canopy.
  • A connected path to support active travel (walking, cycling etc.).
  • Opportunities for public art, environmental education, and celebration of cultural heritage.

Images below show a section of the project area as it typically is now, alongside artist's impressions of how it may look following improvements made under the concept plan. Importantly, these impressions are indicative only, with any future development works subject to additional stages of design, costing, and funding (see 'Next steps' below).

Project area now/Artist's impression of project area under the concept plan:

Artist's impression of project area under the concept plan:

Next steps

Community ideas and level of support for the concept plan will inform Council's decisions around future stages of this project.

Next steps in progressing the project would include detailed design, cost estimates, and consideration of funding sources and potential grants. These will be considered following the collection and review of community feedback.

Share your views

To let us know your thoughts about the concept plan for improving this space alongside Keswick Creek:

  • View the concept plan.
  • Complete the online form at the bottom of this page.
  • Email a written submission to
  • Post a written submission to:
    • Keswick Creek Concept Plan, City of West Torrens, 165 Sir Donald Bradman Drive, Hilton SA 5033

If these options to provide feedback are not suitable, please contact Council's Community Engagement team on 8416 6333 or

All feedback must be received by 5pm Friday 21 June 2024.

Share your comments and register to be involved