From 17 July to 11 August 2023 Council is seeking community feedback on future licence agreements with sporting clubs and community groups for use of Golflands Reserve

Golflands Reserve at 2 Aroona Ave, Glenelg North is made up of an open grassed area, and three fenced courts marked for both tennis and netball.

Green open space 

Currently, the green open space at Golflands is licensed to the West Torrens Birkalla Soccer Club and the Agility Dog Club of SA. Outside of the days and times specified in each of these licence agreements, the space is open for community use. These clubs also have access to the clubroom building on the reserve.

Council is proposing that licence agreements over this area of Golflands Reserve remain as they are currently, with full public access to the area other than when existing licensees are using the space in accordance with their agreed access.


The three courts on the reserve are marked for both tennis and netball and are currently licensed to the PHOS Camden Netball Club for specific days and times, and available for community use outside of these times. The PHOS Netball Club will soon relocate to Camden Oval at Novar Gardens, and no longer require a license at Golflands Reserve. 

Council is proposing to negotiate a 5 year license agreement with Glenlea Tennis Club for use of the courts and clubroom. While details of a potential agreement are yet to be developed, negotiations would seek to secure an appropriate level of ongoing community access to the courts.

How to have your say

Share your views on Council's proposals for future licence agreements Golflands Reserve using any of the following:

  • Online
    Use the 
    online feedback form at the bottom of this page.

  • Post
    Prepare a written submission and mail to:
    'Golflands Reserve'
    City of West Torrens
    165 Sir Donald Bradman Drive
    Hilton 5033

  • Email
    Prepare a written submission and email with the subject 'Golflands Reserve'.

All responses must be received by 5pm Friday 11 August 2023.

Additional information

City Property on 8416 6333 or email

Council’s use of personal information 

Please note that the City of West Torrens is a public authority which is bound by the Local Government Act 1999, and other relevant legislation, to retain information and to make certain information publicly available. In some instances, this will require Council to publish personal information such as names and addresses of those whose information it holds. If you have any questions regarding the use of your personal information please contact Council on (08) 8416 6333. 

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