Project update January 2025

During October 2024 Council invited community feedback on a concept for a Mother Language Monument at Apex Park, West Beach, to acknowledge UNESCO International Mother Language Day and mother language speakers in West Torrens.

The consultation received 90 contributions, and generally mixed feedback on the idea of an Mother Language Monument in West Torrens, the particular design proposed, and the proposed siting at Apex Park.

Main themes amongst comments in favour of the monument were:

  • Valuing the symbolic gesture and potential to foster community inclusion. Seeing the project as an opportunity to highlight the cultural diversity of the community and encourage harmony and connection.
  • Support for the inclusion of a wide range of mother tongues to celebrate cultural diversity, including First Nations languages, and non-spoken languages such as sign languages.

Main themes amongst comments not in favour of the monument were:

  • A view that the proposed budget is excessive and/or the monument is a waste of Council funds that could be better spent on practical community needs like park upgrades and infrastructure improvements.
  • Questioning of the relevance and value of a monument to promoting linguistic and cultural diversity.

At its meeting of 10 December 2024, Council were presented with the report on community consultation that is included in full in the meeting Agenda. Council received and noted this report, as recorded in the meeting Minutes.

Consultation October 2024

Consultation dates

Monday 30 September 2024 to Monday 28 October 2024

On 21 February each year, UNESCO International Mother Language Day celebrates language diversity and highlights the social and cultural importance of language preservation and mother tongue education worldwide.

In response to a request from the the South Australian Bangladeshi Community Association (SABCA), Council has developed a concept for a Mother Language Monument at Apex Park, West Beach to acknowledge International Mother Language Day and mother language speakers in our community.

We are now seeking your feedback on the concept. Consultation closes Monday 28 October 2024.

Monument concept

The concept for the monument draws on:

  • Exploration of the origins of International Mother Language Day through existing monuments and recent UNESCO promotional campaigns, and
  • Ideas of speech, culture, connection, family, and protection.

The concept aligns with the City of West Torrens Public Art Plan Key Theme 1: Heritage of People and Place. While preliminary, the concept incorporates multiple opportunities for interpretative content, including:

  • Etched concrete or pavers featuring the words 'peace', 'mother', 'mother tongue' or similar in many languages.
  • Interpretative plaque/s.
  • Interpretative content integrated with seating and other physical components forming the context for the monument.

Initial high level cost estimates for detailed design and construction of the monument and associated landscaping, furniture, and signage are in the order of $100,000 (excluding GST). Council has resolved to liaise with Commonwealth and State Governments and SABCA regarding contribution of funds toward the cost of the monument.

Monument location

Apex Park Reserve at West Beach (pictured below) currently has no permanent public art, but contains expansive lawn areas that could accommodate the monument in a context appropriate to its reflective and commemorative purpose.

Other advantages to locating the monument at Apex Park include visibility from the road, and access to car parking, public transport, and other existing community facilities at the park.

The area highlighted in yellow below shows the general area of Apex Park in which location of the monument is being considered.

How to give your feedback

  • Online via feedback form below.
  • By post to:
    Mother Language Monument
    City of West Torrens
    165 Sir Donald Bradman Drive
    Hilton SA 5033