A private proponent (Pierson Pty Ltd) is proposing to rezone land at 25 Pierson Street, Lockleys. The land currently contains the Westpac Mortgage Centre and Lockleys Child Care and Early Learning Centre and is within the Employment Zone.

A Code Amendment was previously proposed for the land. The previous Code Amendment was refused by the Minister. This is a new Code Amendment and new process. The proponent has stated that this new Code Amendment seeks to address concerns raised during engagement on the previous Code Amendment.

As this Code Amendment is undertaken by a Private Proponent Council has no formal role in this consultation, or in assessment of the amendment. We provide this information to enable members of our community to be informed and have their say.

About the Code Amendment

The following is drawn from an information sheet prepared by the proponent, Future Urban:

"Pierson Pty Ltd is proposing to rezone land at 25 Pierson Street, Lockleys in order to facilitate future development of the land for low and medium density residential purposes.

The current zoning limits use of the site to commercial development and is not consistent with the predominant residential use of land in the locality. Rezoning to the Suburban Neighbourhood Zone and Urban Renewal Neighbourhood Zone will:

  • enable future use of the land for residential development
  • enable strategic redevelopment of land in close proximity to the Adelaide CBD
  • provide for residential development at varying densities and housing types
  • create opportunities to increase linkages and interface with the River Torrens Linear Park
  • create opportunities to maximise public open space
  • maintain and improve visual amenity for adjacent residents.

Key changes proposed through the Code Amendment:

  • Rezone the land to the Suburban Neighbourhood Zone and Urban Renewal Neighbourhood Zone
  • Building heights ranging from 2 building levels around the east, south and west boundaries of the land and up to 4 building levels (15 metres) through the centre and close to the River Torrens / Karrawirra Parri
  • Apply the Affordable Housing Overlay, Stormwater Management Overlay and Urban Tree Canopy Overlay to the land
  • Introduction of a Concept Plan

Some of the land uses that are anticipated in the Suburban Neighbourhood Zone are:

  • child care facility
  • community facility
  • consulting room
  • dwellings
  • educational facility
  • office
  • recreation area
  • shop (up to 100sqm)

Some of the land uses that are anticipated in the Urban Renewal Neighbourhood Zone are:

  • child care facility
  • community facility
  • consulting room
  • dwellings
  • educational facility
  • office
  • recreation area
  • residential flat building
  • retirement facility
  • shop (up to 250sqm)

View full details of the proposed amendment on the PlanSA Consultations Page.

Public consultation

Between 6 November and 17 December 2023 public consultation will be undertaken with all formal submissions being considered by the proponent and by the Minister for Planning. Please note, this is not a City of West Torrens consultation.

A number of information sessions will be held by the proponent. Details on the time, location and registration details for these sessions can be found in the information sheet (linked) or on the PlanSA portal.

Submissions to the consultation can be made in the following ways:

25 Pierson Street, Lockleys Code Amendment

Future Urban

Level 1 / 74 Pirie Street



What can be influenced:
You are invited to share your thoughts on:

• Whether the selected Zones are the most appropriate Zones for the land;

• Whether the investigations undertaken as part of the Code Amendment are sufficient to consider the impact of the rezoning on the surrounding area;

• Whether the Overlays and ‘Technical and Numeric Variations’ applied address key matters stakeholders would like to see future development meet; and

• Whether the Concept Plan addresses key matters stakeholders would like to see future development on the land.

The following items are unable to be changed:

• Land (or Affected area) identified (geographic context) for the Code Amendment;

• The residential intent of the Suburban Neighbourhood Zone and Urban Renewal Neighbourhood Zone; and

• Policy wording within the Code, only existing policy wording can be utilised. New policy wording cannot be drafted.

Additional information

For more information or enquiries visit the PlanSA website or phone 1800 752 664.